Tuesday 8 October 2019

Mirror Vs Times

A large business corporation that is comprised of a range of different parts or smaller businesses
This is when a Media Company owns different businesses in the same chain of production and distribution.
Vertical Integration 
This literally means ‘to work together’ and is where one form of media product ‘cross sells’ another form of media product to their mutual advantage of increasing sales/audiences. 
Horizontal Integration 
This means  that there is a diversity of viewpoints available and consumed across and within the media industries and prevents any one media owner or voice having too much influence over public opinion and the political agenda.

This is the process of how the media product gets to its audience after production
This is when a sector of the media industry such as newspapers is dominated by one or a small number of large organisations. 

This is where a media company tries to maximise its power and profit by combining elements of its business into a more concentrated and more effective model. 

This is the process of a company expanding its media production in the same area of media. For example, one newspaper company buying another newspaper company. This can happen by internal expansion, merger or takeover and can lead to a monopoly. 

This is where two or more companies, usually of similar size, combine to form a larger single company. 

This is where a larger company buys a smaller company

This is the combination of different areas of the media coming together to maximise profit 

Monopoly                                Plurality                                 
                         Vertical integration                Horizontal integration
Takeover                                 Merger                                    Synergy
Convergence                           Consolidation

The Daily Mirror is a Tabloid newspaper, They are normally left wing and try to appeal to a younger and a lower class audience. The Daily Mirror was hugley against the appointment of President Trump.  They Covered a 13 page spread all against Donald Trump. They use a heading of 'Are we heading for world war' which connotes that president trump will be the start of a world war. They included pictures and graphs to highlight their opinion. The Times are a right wing newspaper, so they appeal to a middle and upper class audience, therefore they have to be sophisticated with their language and images. The times are owned by Rupert Murdoch, therefor all the forms of media he owns will cover the Donald trump story, for example