Monday 10 February 2020

Zoella: Audience

How far can aspects of identity be seen to affect the way in which audiences use online media?

David Gauntlet Representation Theory: He says that that people's personal identity are made up of the media that those people use.  Zoella's fans use her media text (Her youtube videos) to discover and build their personal identity.

Clay Shirky End of the Audience theory: He says People use the internet to respond to media texts and creating their own fan media. Zoella's fan can respond to her media texts by commenting on her videos. Some of her fans think she is their friend, and may be obsessive. Her fans have made a twitter fan account that consist of updates oh her posts and their feeling towards her. 

Stuart Hall- reception- Media producers want audience to respond in a certain way to a text   . Producers encode certain ideas to make their mediate get across. They want the audience to decode the message. Preffered reading theory, infer the producers message in the intended way, Oppositional reading- don't infer the audience in the intended way. Negotiated reading- audience understand the intended message, accept some of the messages, but reject the other messages.