Monday 23 September 2019


 Analysing Newspapers

This Daily Mirror front page story captivates us with the main image that is attracting the audience. The main image is a figure of 'the statute of Liberty' with her hands over her face, which connotes disappointment and regret. As soon as the audience see this iconic American landmark, the audience quickly think America. The image has the connotations of destruction and despair due to the background image of explosions and damage. From the image we can implies that the daily mirror are against and anti-bias to  Donald Trump. The headline 'It's President Trump....' finishes the ellipse which means that there will be follow up statement, it is followed by the disappointed statute and the rhetorical question, 'what have they done?' The paper exaggerates how bad Donald Trump is.  The pull quote gives us more information on what the full article will be about and what the writers really think. The newspaper persuades a particular group of people to read this paper and those people, are people who are anti- Trump. if the writer has the same opinions as a reader they are more likely to buy the paper. 

The front cover also have a plug which is about the Croydon tram crash that killed 7 people. It was a devastating event which resulted in death. So it was odd that Trump's story had more proximity and attention then the tram crash that resulted in death. Which shows that the paper think that politics is more important that people dying. America is the elite nation that is getting all the attention in this paper. 

The Daily Mirror is Tabloid Newspaper, which means it wants an all age audience. This Front cover has more image than text, which makes it captivating and intriguing for a younger audience. The daily Mirror is owned by 'reach plc' which is one of Britans biggest newspapers publishers.
The Daily Mirror have normally supported the labour party, in the worst they have encouraged they reader to vote for Labour in general elections. Daily Mirror is a left wing side newspaper. Which means they support freedom, equality, multiculturalism and are often liberal.  So often they will support these connotations.

The front cover persuades people to buy the newspaper so they can learn more about the trump fiasco, as the front cover doesn't include any substantial text or information about the matter.  Also the puff piece of the tram story will attract viewers to buy the paper so they can also find out information about the incident. However this could be ineffective, as most people will use the internet to find out information about the incident online instead of wasting money on the paper.

The times also covered the Trump election, but in the opposite way, they showed support and praise to the president. They gave him the whole front cover with no other blurbs or stories on the front cover. They gave him the background on the American flag, which shows country support and unity, and support tot he country, connoting that the county is going in the right direction , in contrast to the daily mail, saying that the county will go to shreds. This indicates that both newspapers have different opinions and are both politically biased on different sides. The Daily Mirror is a left wing paper, which evident by the opinion on trumps views. Famously The times are a right wing newspapers, who Amy have extreme political views.

B-  Ofcom are in charge and are responsible for creating all UK broadcasting channels and newspaper industries.  The regulate all the articles and papers and accept and answer peoples complaints.


The Daily Express are a right wing newspaper, which means that they are more likely to side with Donald Trump, which is evident to this Headline 'Trump Boost for EU exit' which emphasises that they see Donald trump as an ally and it is an positive thing that he has being elected.  It also implies that they side for Brexit.

Daily Express is also a tabloid paper with the same sort of format. However we have a smaller less empowering image than the Mirror's image, which means it is less serious than the Daily Mirror. Both newspapers have similar approach to personalise the article to their reader. The Mirror say ' what it means to you' which is negative. The Express say that it will have a good effect on us.

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Radio Industry

The radio and Tv industry has evolved throughout the years, there are more formats that they are broadcasted are shown. Radio can now be broadcasted live or downloaded through podcasts. Radio broadcasts are like BBC radio 1 and Smooth Radio. They are designed to entertain and help the public when they are out and about, for example in the car, or people may listen to them in their houses or at work. There are live radio stations that meet the BBC remit of Inform entertain and educate. There are BBC radio stations that appeal to everyone, There is BBC Radio 1 and 1 Extra for young adults and teenagers, there is Radio 3 that play classical music for the older generation, and CBeebies station for kids. Broadcasting is good because it is free to use and is available on any device and is Live so people can experience at the same time, and discuss their experiences. However because its Live people may miss the programme they wanted to watch, for example they miss woman hour in the morning due to working hours. Podcasts are available for people to download and have a better range for people to explore. Podcasts are mainly for mobile phones, therefore the older generation who don't have smart phones can't listen too them.

Commercial radio stations gain money by advertisements, they usually try to appeal to a younger audience, for example capital and XTRA. They often play music for all sort of people. BBC radio stations are examples of public service broadcasting. OFCOM require public broadcasters like BBC to provide shows that meet their remit, which is to show programmes that will educate, entertain and inform. This is because the BBC is funded by TV license, that is paid for by the public who own TV'S.

The BBC is a public broadcasting service that nationally broadcasts tv shows, films, online content and radio. It was founded in 1922, it started with one radio broadcasting service. In 1937 the first BBC television show opened. In 1946 the first woman based radio show 'woman hour'. In 1967 BBC expanded to two television programmes now there is more than a dozen television, radio and online BBC services.  Their mission to use creative communication and trusted media to help people have a voice.

The BBC also have international services like BBC Arabic and BBC America. They do this so everyone from the world can enjoy there services, for example Eastenders and Doctor Who.  

Tuesday 10 September 2019

Late Night Woman's hour

Late night Woman's hour is a BBC radio show that has been running since 2015 on BBC Radio 4, it is a late night adaptaion of the long serving show called Woman's hour. Woman's hour has been airing since 1946. An average episode last 30mins to 45mins, and usually discuus political, educational, health and female topics. Lauren Laverne was the main host up until recently when the show was taken over by Emma Barnett. Late Woman's hour's main target audience is middle class and middle aged white women.

Late night women's hour out recent topics that were discussed were about feminism in various cultures and varied political issues Women may face in the modern culture for example grief and not wanting children. As well of this they try to  discuss modern topics that may appeal to young adult audience for example Love island and Doctor Who. They mainly discuss how these various topics effect woman of todays culture. For example in the Love island episode they have a range of guest, two young females who are fans of the show, and the presenter and another journalist who both had never watched a single episode but still had a judgmental view on Love Island based what they had read on social media. One of the main problems they had was the body image connotations they thought young girls may have, for example they may think that they should be behaving, looking and wearing what the girls on love island wear and behave. Another main concern they have is the aftercare the contestants were recieving, due to the fact two past contestants had committed suicide.

The episodes consists of female presenters and guests have debates and discussing topics, there is no music, or public phone ins, which means it is just talking.