Tuesday 10 September 2019

Late Night Woman's hour

Late night Woman's hour is a BBC radio show that has been running since 2015 on BBC Radio 4, it is a late night adaptaion of the long serving show called Woman's hour. Woman's hour has been airing since 1946. An average episode last 30mins to 45mins, and usually discuus political, educational, health and female topics. Lauren Laverne was the main host up until recently when the show was taken over by Emma Barnett. Late Woman's hour's main target audience is middle class and middle aged white women.

Late night women's hour out recent topics that were discussed were about feminism in various cultures and varied political issues Women may face in the modern culture for example grief and not wanting children. As well of this they try to  discuss modern topics that may appeal to young adult audience for example Love island and Doctor Who. They mainly discuss how these various topics effect woman of todays culture. For example in the Love island episode they have a range of guest, two young females who are fans of the show, and the presenter and another journalist who both had never watched a single episode but still had a judgmental view on Love Island based what they had read on social media. One of the main problems they had was the body image connotations they thought young girls may have, for example they may think that they should be behaving, looking and wearing what the girls on love island wear and behave. Another main concern they have is the aftercare the contestants were recieving, due to the fact two past contestants had committed suicide.

The episodes consists of female presenters and guests have debates and discussing topics, there is no music, or public phone ins, which means it is just talking.

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