Tuesday 6 November 2018

Film Marketing

Johnny English- Strikes again (2018)

When we see the film Johnny English we immediately know comedy because of the franchise success in the previous two films.  This poster sticks with the common association with a comedy film, as there is no setting and just has a clear one or two colour background. This is done to give a lighthearted touch. The character's body position and language  connotes a humorous element is trying to be displayed.  The characters initials are displayed in dark red colour which connote an action or thriller element as well. The characters prop also indicates action.

The audience are promised of pleasuere  because of the actors success in comedy films and tv shows, for example Rowan Atinkson was the actor for the popular comedy Mr.Bean, which indicates he has comedy experience.  The audience expect  this film to amuse them entertain them. The tagline 'when only the best will do' is an ironic and humorous statement. This tag line bigs up the characters and his ability to be a spy.

This poster uses intertextuality of James Bond Films which can say that the producers our trying to suggest that this the comedy version of James Bond. there lots of similarities and differences in these posters.
Both holding a gun in right hand whilst crossing arm
Both in a strict and confident position and closed body language
Both in formal evening dinner suits
Both posters in black and white colours
Johnny is standing infant of his initials and sometimes Bond stands behind his agent tag 007
Both male and white- shows strength  and are both British
Has layers the same, title is underneath star


Bond has a more serious facial expression than Johnny English, this connotes that Johnny English will be a comedy and Bond will be a serious action
Johnny English has a witty tagline which usually a comedy would have it also has main star name.


The trailer for this comedy begins serious it has establishing shots of the London eye and other buildings, this is done to set the scene. Then serious music is introduced with text highlighting that there is a problem that the hero must fix, the song lyric is 'i need a hero' There are scenes just like James bond of a hand starting up a rich sports car, which are connotations of a traditional british spy. The characters face isn't shown to build tension and to keep the serious mood alive.  There is then another establishing shot of London before we get to the main charcter, where the whole mood changes. When we see him, we see the first comedy scene and the song immediately changes to an upbeat and humorous tone.

There is a fast pace editing tempo changes and scenes of the films appear and vanish rapidly. Then the main storyline is explicitly explained, thus is how we know it is a comedy action, because there both connotations of both genres in the trailer. We then see more idiotic actions from the character and his partner, for example the bike scene and Virtual reality seen, we obviously don't see the entire scene but we snippets from it.  Serious characters, like the prime minister always contradicts with what Johnny is doing, for example the prime minster says 'is the agent you put in the field making some progress', and then we are taken to a fire scene caused by the character.

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