Monday 11 March 2019

Extended exam question

Compare the representations of gender and ethnicity  in this music video  and the video for Dizzee Rascal’s Dream.

In your answer, you must consider: 
·         How representations of gender and ethnicity are constructed through selection and combination of elements of media language 
·         The similarities and differences in the representations of gender and ethnicity
·         How far the representations relate to relevant contexts.

You should refer to Levi-Strauss ( binary oppositions), Barthes ( semiotics), Gauntlett
( identity theory ) and Gilroy ( postcolonialism ) in your answer as well as any other relevant theory 
In this essay will be discussing and comparing the differences and similarities of represntations that are represented in the Beyonce's 'run the world' and Dizzy Rascal's ' 'Dream'  . 

In Beyonce's video there is a clear representation of woman, woman are being represented as the rulers of the world and in are being portrayed of having greater power than men. There are majority of black females in the video, with Beyonce being the main character and being portrayed as the woman in charge and connotes that beyonce 'runs the world'. In the opening establishing shot we see a woman on a horse, which highlights  the point of woman being in power and superior. 19 seconds in there shots of hundreds of armed men running out and long shots of woman being imprisoned in cages, this shot connotes that men treat woman badly and indicates there is a war between both genders. In 0:32 there is a powerful establishing shot of a group of woman, which is shown above, the woman are wearing powerful and revealing  clothing and are shown as community and emphasises the point that woman have to stick together. Additionally there is a Lion which indicates power and superiority.  The majority of people in the video are black, which means the video is trying to tackle two represntations, woman, gender and black people, ethnicity.

In Dizzee rascals we open with a establishing shot of middle class old English lady, which connotes that this video will be about race. We then see shots of puppets reprinting the artist childhood, with majority of the puppets are black, the video discusses problems like police brutality on black people through puppets which gives out a humorous tone. The video tackles the point that it is difficult to achieve dreams if you ar black. the main message of the video is that everyone should fulfil their dream. There representations of men in the video, there are men doing criminal activities like graffiti and hanging around on the streets, the most interesting representation is the black male pushing the pram which is not something that is usually not associated with men. 

In both videos men are shown as violent and as criminals, in Dizzy's video there is a male policeman who is beating other men and there are men who shoplifting and doing graffiti. in Beyonce's video men are shown as brutal savages who are also presented as violent and monstrous. Also in Beyonce's video woman are indentified as in charge and superior and in Dizzy's a posh woman is the only person who isn't small or a puppet. However there is positive representations of men for example a man pushing a pram and doing the same jobs as woman, but there are no positives of men in Beyonce's video. 

Levi Strauss had a theory called Binary oppositions are a pair of related terms that are used, so in Beyonce's video there is clear binary opposition of woman and men, where the woman and men are showed at being at war and woman at being with great power. 

Ronald Barthes had theory called semiotics. Which are codes that are meant to be read and which symbolise certain things and meanings. In Dizzy's video the puppets signify the artist life and howl life is tough for young black males. In Beyonce's video they use animals to connote their points. The lion symbolises power and strength. Whereas the Hyenas symbolise balance between genders, which connotes with the main point of the video. 

David Gaunlett had a theory called identity theory which says that we can base our opinions from updated media, for example views watching Beyonce's video may come up with new opinions about males and females based upon the video. From dream we might start to come to the conclusion that white policeman beat up black criminals. 

Paul Gilroy had a theory called postcolonialsm theory which is the idea that our world today consists of racial hierarchies. There are majority of black people in the video which shows that the video are prioritising black people and showing them as superior and on top, there a white woman who is in a cage. In Dizzy Rascals video black people are shown as weak and defenceless against white people.  They are shown as puppets which implies that they ar being described as being under control of the white people. 

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