Tuesday 19 March 2019

Water Aid 'rain for good'

We start off with an establishing shot of an ordinary Middle class kitchen in England, which presumed because of the rain and old radio.  The shot is a close up establishing shot, which is unusual for an opening scene of an advert.  We then switch to a binary opposite of a dry place. There is another establishing shot of the girl as she starts to sing, this sets the scene and allows us to become familiar with the character. The song allows us to relate with her as most middle aged viewers will be familiar with the song.

There are more close ups of poverty in the area, for example the people carrying buckets of water on their head, and men working in dry sun. The most intresting shot is the boy, who is shown fully clothed and presumed to be in school clothes being happy and excited. The charity are trying to show the audience what there money can do, for example the boy running, but the shots of the poverty in the area, guilt trip the audience  to show them what their money can do.

African people are represented poorly in this advert, they are displayed as poor and in need people, who will all benefit from the money. This is a negative stereotype of people who live in African countries. 

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