Monday 9 December 2019

Life on Mars: Audience + Industry

Life on mars is a typical crime/sci-fi British television series which broadcasted in 2006. There was a poster and a trailer that helped to promote the tv shows and helps to attract an audience. The trailer began with an introduction to the main character, Sam Tyler who is played by Jon Simm, who was famous for appearing in various other BBC Dramas like State of plays and The Lakes. The trailer is a voiceover from Sam Tyler, who introduces himself as a character and explains his predicament to the audience. This allows the audience to be prepared for watching the main episode, they will go into, having a full understanding of the main plot of the episode, which is that Sam has travelled back in time. The Music used in the trailer is a 70s rock song called Immigrant Song, by Led Zeppelin. The music is from the era of the setting of the Tv shows which is the 70s. The editing pace matches the main tempo of the music, which appeals to a mainstream audience and attracts them to watch the tailer. The music helps to engage with audience, if the trailer didn't contain any music then it would be dull and boring and would attract less of an audience.

From the main trailer the audience can easily identify the main genres of the series, by conventions shown in the trailer.  We can connote that is a crime show, because of the blue police siren and the use of the phrase 'DCI'. Also we can identify that it a SCI-FI, show aw well, due to the transformation of the modern car to 70s style car. The poster contains the main character Sam Tyler and co- star Gene Hunt, which is the man in charge at the police office. It is full body of them both standing in-front, of a classic 70s car. Sam is dressed in 21st century style clothes, whereas Gene Hunt is dressed in 70s style clothing, which connotes what time periods they are both from. The poster also features a positive review from a trusted media company 'radio times'.

Tuesday 3 December 2019

Post-Modernism in Life on Mars

Intertextuality- The title 'Life on Mars' is in reference to the David Bowie song 'Life on Mars', with the song and the main set of the tv show is from the 70s. The title coyotes a sci-fi genre theme. 

Parody- References to English 70s cop shows like The Sweeney 

Hyperreality- Sam is stuck in his own hyper reality, made up of his own thoughts and memories based on past TV shows that he is watched. 0 

Irony- The whole episode is based on irony created by facts that it deals with an unlikely event, that is based on mirroring hiss real life. It is also ironic because he is stetted about his ex-partner being dead or kidnapped, but he then puts his own life in danger by nearly crashing his car and then stepping into the road. 

Ambiguity- The idea behind the characters that he meets in his dreams, is so he can learn a lesson and realise his true feelings. It is ambitious as we don't know why he has ended up in 1973 and how he is going to get out. 


Monday 2 December 2019

Life On Mars

In the first episode of life in mars, they use many conventions of the crime and sci-fi drama. For example, the main convention of crime, is a police investigation, this is the first thing that we see. We see a traditional, cop asking for the criminal to open the door scene, and a classic chase scene, then we have a police interrogation, where the main suspect is interviewed. The female cop then chases down the criminal and harm comes to her, this a classic convention of crime, a damsel in distress, and the ongoing enigma , that the main character will have to solve.

Monday 11 November 2019

The Bridge

The bridge is a Scandinavian-noir crime television series, set in Sweden/ Denmark. Every crime drama will have some of these character archetypes.

  • the investigator- Saga- she is the main detective in the show, she is determined at solving the cases and likes to get the job done, she is good at what she does, but often struggles with forming relationships and attachments with her co-workers
  • Sidekick- Saga doesn't really have a sidekick, she has a partner, who is made out to be her rival and they don't like each other, they are from different backgrounds and have different personalties.In season 1 and 2, she has a male sidekick, who is older, she forms a close friendship with him, but she grassed on him as he commuted murder, this shows that for her law trumps friendship. 
  • Most crime drams have a boss, who follows the rules, and always have a soft spot for the main character, and tries to keep them out of trouble. This is the same in The bridge. The boss is an older make, who looks out for Saga, and is often concerned for her mental wellbeing. 
  • In this particular episode of the bridge, there is no Main Villain outlined, but there our murder suspects, The victims son, has had run ins with Saga and her partner, and has annoyed Saga, as he caused the partner very serious injuries 

Nordic Noir is Scandinavian sub-genre of crime. It generally features dark topics and filmed in the night, it is used in The bridge.  Nordic noir tv shows, regularly include the following conventions, Stylised murder, which is used in The bridge, as the victim is placed in a dinner party scene accompanied with other dolls. The characters  usually the programme, for example they're being a lot of dialogue, and the characters have huge personalities, that dominate the episode. There are also often social issues are often explored, for example Saga is interpreted in being autistic, judged by her lack of emotions and feeling for other people, for example her taking her top off infront of male co-workers. 

Tuesday 8 October 2019

Mirror Vs Times

A large business corporation that is comprised of a range of different parts or smaller businesses
This is when a Media Company owns different businesses in the same chain of production and distribution.
Vertical Integration 
This literally means ‘to work together’ and is where one form of media product ‘cross sells’ another form of media product to their mutual advantage of increasing sales/audiences. 
Horizontal Integration 
This means  that there is a diversity of viewpoints available and consumed across and within the media industries and prevents any one media owner or voice having too much influence over public opinion and the political agenda.

This is the process of how the media product gets to its audience after production
This is when a sector of the media industry such as newspapers is dominated by one or a small number of large organisations. 

This is where a media company tries to maximise its power and profit by combining elements of its business into a more concentrated and more effective model. 

This is the process of a company expanding its media production in the same area of media. For example, one newspaper company buying another newspaper company. This can happen by internal expansion, merger or takeover and can lead to a monopoly. 

This is where two or more companies, usually of similar size, combine to form a larger single company. 

This is where a larger company buys a smaller company

This is the combination of different areas of the media coming together to maximise profit 

Monopoly                                Plurality                                 
                         Vertical integration                Horizontal integration
Takeover                                 Merger                                    Synergy
Convergence                           Consolidation

The Daily Mirror is a Tabloid newspaper, They are normally left wing and try to appeal to a younger and a lower class audience. The Daily Mirror was hugley against the appointment of President Trump.  They Covered a 13 page spread all against Donald Trump. They use a heading of 'Are we heading for world war' which connotes that president trump will be the start of a world war. They included pictures and graphs to highlight their opinion. The Times are a right wing newspaper, so they appeal to a middle and upper class audience, therefore they have to be sophisticated with their language and images. The times are owned by Rupert Murdoch, therefor all the forms of media he owns will cover the Donald trump story, for example 

Monday 23 September 2019


 Analysing Newspapers

This Daily Mirror front page story captivates us with the main image that is attracting the audience. The main image is a figure of 'the statute of Liberty' with her hands over her face, which connotes disappointment and regret. As soon as the audience see this iconic American landmark, the audience quickly think America. The image has the connotations of destruction and despair due to the background image of explosions and damage. From the image we can implies that the daily mirror are against and anti-bias to  Donald Trump. The headline 'It's President Trump....' finishes the ellipse which means that there will be follow up statement, it is followed by the disappointed statute and the rhetorical question, 'what have they done?' The paper exaggerates how bad Donald Trump is.  The pull quote gives us more information on what the full article will be about and what the writers really think. The newspaper persuades a particular group of people to read this paper and those people, are people who are anti- Trump. if the writer has the same opinions as a reader they are more likely to buy the paper. 

The front cover also have a plug which is about the Croydon tram crash that killed 7 people. It was a devastating event which resulted in death. So it was odd that Trump's story had more proximity and attention then the tram crash that resulted in death. Which shows that the paper think that politics is more important that people dying. America is the elite nation that is getting all the attention in this paper. 

The Daily Mirror is Tabloid Newspaper, which means it wants an all age audience. This Front cover has more image than text, which makes it captivating and intriguing for a younger audience. The daily Mirror is owned by 'reach plc' which is one of Britans biggest newspapers publishers.
The Daily Mirror have normally supported the labour party, in the worst they have encouraged they reader to vote for Labour in general elections. Daily Mirror is a left wing side newspaper. Which means they support freedom, equality, multiculturalism and are often liberal.  So often they will support these connotations.

The front cover persuades people to buy the newspaper so they can learn more about the trump fiasco, as the front cover doesn't include any substantial text or information about the matter.  Also the puff piece of the tram story will attract viewers to buy the paper so they can also find out information about the incident. However this could be ineffective, as most people will use the internet to find out information about the incident online instead of wasting money on the paper.

The times also covered the Trump election, but in the opposite way, they showed support and praise to the president. They gave him the whole front cover with no other blurbs or stories on the front cover. They gave him the background on the American flag, which shows country support and unity, and support tot he country, connoting that the county is going in the right direction , in contrast to the daily mail, saying that the county will go to shreds. This indicates that both newspapers have different opinions and are both politically biased on different sides. The Daily Mirror is a left wing paper, which evident by the opinion on trumps views. Famously The times are a right wing newspapers, who Amy have extreme political views.

B-  Ofcom are in charge and are responsible for creating all UK broadcasting channels and newspaper industries.  The regulate all the articles and papers and accept and answer peoples complaints.


The Daily Express are a right wing newspaper, which means that they are more likely to side with Donald Trump, which is evident to this Headline 'Trump Boost for EU exit' which emphasises that they see Donald trump as an ally and it is an positive thing that he has being elected.  It also implies that they side for Brexit.

Daily Express is also a tabloid paper with the same sort of format. However we have a smaller less empowering image than the Mirror's image, which means it is less serious than the Daily Mirror. Both newspapers have similar approach to personalise the article to their reader. The Mirror say ' what it means to you' which is negative. The Express say that it will have a good effect on us.

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Radio Industry

The radio and Tv industry has evolved throughout the years, there are more formats that they are broadcasted are shown. Radio can now be broadcasted live or downloaded through podcasts. Radio broadcasts are like BBC radio 1 and Smooth Radio. They are designed to entertain and help the public when they are out and about, for example in the car, or people may listen to them in their houses or at work. There are live radio stations that meet the BBC remit of Inform entertain and educate. There are BBC radio stations that appeal to everyone, There is BBC Radio 1 and 1 Extra for young adults and teenagers, there is Radio 3 that play classical music for the older generation, and CBeebies station for kids. Broadcasting is good because it is free to use and is available on any device and is Live so people can experience at the same time, and discuss their experiences. However because its Live people may miss the programme they wanted to watch, for example they miss woman hour in the morning due to working hours. Podcasts are available for people to download and have a better range for people to explore. Podcasts are mainly for mobile phones, therefore the older generation who don't have smart phones can't listen too them.

Commercial radio stations gain money by advertisements, they usually try to appeal to a younger audience, for example capital and XTRA. They often play music for all sort of people. BBC radio stations are examples of public service broadcasting. OFCOM require public broadcasters like BBC to provide shows that meet their remit, which is to show programmes that will educate, entertain and inform. This is because the BBC is funded by TV license, that is paid for by the public who own TV'S.

The BBC is a public broadcasting service that nationally broadcasts tv shows, films, online content and radio. It was founded in 1922, it started with one radio broadcasting service. In 1937 the first BBC television show opened. In 1946 the first woman based radio show 'woman hour'. In 1967 BBC expanded to two television programmes now there is more than a dozen television, radio and online BBC services.  Their mission to use creative communication and trusted media to help people have a voice.

The BBC also have international services like BBC Arabic and BBC America. They do this so everyone from the world can enjoy there services, for example Eastenders and Doctor Who.  

Tuesday 10 September 2019

Late Night Woman's hour

Late night Woman's hour is a BBC radio show that has been running since 2015 on BBC Radio 4, it is a late night adaptaion of the long serving show called Woman's hour. Woman's hour has been airing since 1946. An average episode last 30mins to 45mins, and usually discuus political, educational, health and female topics. Lauren Laverne was the main host up until recently when the show was taken over by Emma Barnett. Late Woman's hour's main target audience is middle class and middle aged white women.

Late night women's hour out recent topics that were discussed were about feminism in various cultures and varied political issues Women may face in the modern culture for example grief and not wanting children. As well of this they try to  discuss modern topics that may appeal to young adult audience for example Love island and Doctor Who. They mainly discuss how these various topics effect woman of todays culture. For example in the Love island episode they have a range of guest, two young females who are fans of the show, and the presenter and another journalist who both had never watched a single episode but still had a judgmental view on Love Island based what they had read on social media. One of the main problems they had was the body image connotations they thought young girls may have, for example they may think that they should be behaving, looking and wearing what the girls on love island wear and behave. Another main concern they have is the aftercare the contestants were recieving, due to the fact two past contestants had committed suicide.

The episodes consists of female presenters and guests have debates and discussing topics, there is no music, or public phone ins, which means it is just talking.

Monday 24 June 2019

Statement of Aims

I have chosen to pick brief 1- television, because I have an extended knowledge of television instead of music. As part of our brief we had create an opening sequence of a television programme lasting for roughly 2:30-3 mins. In addition, we have created a front and back cover of the television’s DVD boxset, consisting of 3 pages.  

I have decided that my television series will be a Crime-Drama, based upon on the suspect. I have styled the plot of the television show to fit the remit of 30-49-year olds unisex explorer audience.  The crime drama will be about a teenage boy called Jamie who is being Physically beaten up by Mitchell. Jamie then loses control and accidently pushes Mitchell, Mitchell will then fall down the stairs, and the crime is committed. It will be called ‘the suspect who was the victim’

I will be also adapting the television show to fit the remit of the popular channel, ‘Channel 4’ which is to provide distinctive, diverse and innovative programmes. Channel 4 normally host programmes that are usually aimed at teenage adults, but can suit explore adults who want to try something different. I will be using the independent production company ‘Red Productions, as they our famous for producing quality dramas like ‘years and years’ and ‘Trust Me’  I will be using teenage actors to fit the storyline of the show, due to the fact it is set in a College. The Opening sequence will appeal to an adult audience because it will deal with real life dramatic scenarios. The opening sequence will allow the audience to emotionally connect with the main character because he is going through an upsetting and life changing event that wasn’t his fault. 

I plan to film my television programme in the college stairway and the school field. The opening scene of the sequence will be a handheld shot of Jamie running away from Mitchell, the camera will be shacked and there will be a close up of Jamie’s face, to highlight how scared he is, there will also be diegetic sound of heavy breathing to again indicate how scared Jamie is. Next, I plan to have a long establishing shot of to show Jamie has nowhere else left to run, this will be shot in the college stairway, with non-diegetic sounds of a heartbeat and dramatic music to add tension. There will be a range of close ups and extreme close ups of objects that have a huge relevance to the story. There will be a close up of Jamie’s bag, which Mitchell will fall over, in addition there will be a close up of Mitchell’s fists hitting Jamie and of Jamie’s face, to highlight the physical and emotional impact it is having on Jamie.  To finish the scene there will finale Ariel shot of the dead body with suspenseful music in the background, to create dramatic tension. I will also try and add a dolly shot, to introduce a new character and a zoom out shot to close the sequence. 

I will be using fast pace editing to fit in with the tempo of the action sequence. I will have to try and film my sequence in the same month to avoid continuity errors, for example there could be changes to the weather or set design. 

I plan to include three characters of different social backgrounds, I plan to have two teenagers similar age, but of different social backgrounds, and a teacher, to make it realistic. The story will be told by the characters dialogue and actions. 

For my print production I will be designing a television show advertising poster and a front and back DVD boxset cover. These specifications are used to advertise the television programme to make it money and bring it an audience.  Throughout all 3 pages I have to include a minimum of 7 original images, and to film in two various locations and again to include three different characters and actors. 

For my boxset front cover I plan to have a main image of the main character Jamie and the original antagonist Mitchell. For my boxset front cover I plan to have a main image of the main characters Jamie and Mitchell. Both Characters is what the television show is about, so when the audience see the boxset in the shops, they will understand that the tv show will be based around him and Mitchell. The title of television show will be called ‘the suspect who was the victim’ which will be placed in the top layer to allow the image to be at the centre to draw more attention to it. The title will inform the audience of the main plot of the show, they will then start to build ideas up in there head based on the tile and the main image. In addition the front cover will also include the age rating and the channel 4 logo, to display the broadcasting producers. 

My back cover of my DVD boxset will contain small snippets of my tv series, that don’t feature in my final opening sequence.  The scenes will leave the audience trying to imagine what is happening in the photo, which will make the audience want to purchase the boxset, to find out what is happening.  I have another main image of the Main Character however in different pose and facial expression to the main image on the Poster and front cover. I will also include a promotional Blurb to inform the audience the plot and storyline of the television series. This will be a promotional and persuasive piece of text to persuasive the audiences to buy the product.  A Billing Block will also be introduced to the back cover to reference the other people behind the scenes involved in the production. In addition I will have to reference the production company (Red Productions) and the broadcasters (Channel 4). It is also a legal requirement to include the appropriate age rating for the television series, which is 15. I plan to  the age rating in the middle bottom so the pictures and blurb can get the top layer and therefore the main focus. The Billing block will be above the age rating along with the production and broadcaster logo and technical information like running time per episode and overall, special features and subtitle information. 

 For my main advertising poster I plan to have a main image of the main character Jamie that will take up the majority of the poster, to make the character the main attraction.  The main image again will be different to the others that have been shown on the back and front cover of the DVD boxset. The image will display a narrative through the terrified and distressed facial expression and body language. In addition the Poster will include the main actors name, to attract interest from fans of the actor, also I want to add the production and broadcaster logos and the age rating. Also of course I will add the release date of television series, so people know when it is on and what channel. 

Monday 20 May 2019


     The advert  includes a main image of a woman hugging the product being sold, which is 'Tide' washing powder. This images connotes that women loves this product, suggested by the heart symbols  above the main woman's head. Woman are the main target audience of this product evident by the direct and discriminative pronoun 'you', this means that they are singling out woman. They use persuasive slogans like 'no wonder you woman buy more tide', which is placed at the top and the main slogan which is put in the big font and in bright red says, 'tide's what woman want!' the fact the slogan is put at the top and made to stand out in the poster suggests that this is the companies main message about their product, that it is for woman and they like it. 5 different woman are displayed using propaganda lexis to help sell the product.  With lines like 'Tide gets clothes clean' which connotes that Tide gets the job done, the word 'tide' is always show in bold red writing to make it bold.  The colour scheme is bright and bold to try and bring more attention to it. The colour makes the poster more attractive and intriguing, the colours that are mainly shown are the classic RED, WHITE, AND BLUE course that are associated with America from its flag.

The woman are shown as quite wealthy and are represented as a modern and classic housewife of the 50s. The clothes and hairstyle were the on trend fashion styles in the 50s. The Unique selling point is used to manipulate people to buy the product. They often compare themselves to other companies who sell similar products. They use comparative text like ' No other washing product' which suggest that it is the best washing product around.

Monday 1 April 2019

Vampire Poster.


As soon as people will look at the poster, they will straight away link the poster with a horror movie.  This is because of the connotations that are linked with the Horror genre. For example the darkness and low key colours emphasise that the film has a dark and horror twist. Vampires is a sub genre of the horror genre. the connotations associated with Vampies' are also presented in the poster, with presentation of Bats which are associated with Vampires due to old fiction. The bats indicate danger and poison, due to what we already  know about bats and vampires. The iconography on the lexis also empahises the danger of Vampires, with the a fang being represented using the the 'v', the blood ascending down from the fang connotes death and murder. The castle that can be seen in the background is another stereotype of the vampire genre.  

 The blonde woman is being sexualised evident by her clothing which is short and low cut. She is being represented as weak and in need for help. She is seen as unconscious and is suggested to being protected by the male Vampire. The other woman and man and switched, as it is the man in the white shirt who is being presented as weak and in distress and it is suggested that the female Vampire is protecting the male. In the time of the film, men were always seen as in power and superior, and in charge of woman.

Tuesday 19 March 2019

Water Aid 'rain for good'

We start off with an establishing shot of an ordinary Middle class kitchen in England, which presumed because of the rain and old radio.  The shot is a close up establishing shot, which is unusual for an opening scene of an advert.  We then switch to a binary opposite of a dry place. There is another establishing shot of the girl as she starts to sing, this sets the scene and allows us to become familiar with the character. The song allows us to relate with her as most middle aged viewers will be familiar with the song.

There are more close ups of poverty in the area, for example the people carrying buckets of water on their head, and men working in dry sun. The most intresting shot is the boy, who is shown fully clothed and presumed to be in school clothes being happy and excited. The charity are trying to show the audience what there money can do, for example the boy running, but the shots of the poverty in the area, guilt trip the audience  to show them what their money can do.

African people are represented poorly in this advert, they are displayed as poor and in need people, who will all benefit from the money. This is a negative stereotype of people who live in African countries. 

Monday 11 March 2019

Extended exam question

Compare the representations of gender and ethnicity  in this music video  and the video for Dizzee Rascal’s Dream.

In your answer, you must consider: 
·         How representations of gender and ethnicity are constructed through selection and combination of elements of media language 
·         The similarities and differences in the representations of gender and ethnicity
·         How far the representations relate to relevant contexts.

You should refer to Levi-Strauss ( binary oppositions), Barthes ( semiotics), Gauntlett
( identity theory ) and Gilroy ( postcolonialism ) in your answer as well as any other relevant theory 
In this essay will be discussing and comparing the differences and similarities of represntations that are represented in the Beyonce's 'run the world' and Dizzy Rascal's ' 'Dream'  . 

In Beyonce's video there is a clear representation of woman, woman are being represented as the rulers of the world and in are being portrayed of having greater power than men. There are majority of black females in the video, with Beyonce being the main character and being portrayed as the woman in charge and connotes that beyonce 'runs the world'. In the opening establishing shot we see a woman on a horse, which highlights  the point of woman being in power and superior. 19 seconds in there shots of hundreds of armed men running out and long shots of woman being imprisoned in cages, this shot connotes that men treat woman badly and indicates there is a war between both genders. In 0:32 there is a powerful establishing shot of a group of woman, which is shown above, the woman are wearing powerful and revealing  clothing and are shown as community and emphasises the point that woman have to stick together. Additionally there is a Lion which indicates power and superiority.  The majority of people in the video are black, which means the video is trying to tackle two represntations, woman, gender and black people, ethnicity.

In Dizzee rascals we open with a establishing shot of middle class old English lady, which connotes that this video will be about race. We then see shots of puppets reprinting the artist childhood, with majority of the puppets are black, the video discusses problems like police brutality on black people through puppets which gives out a humorous tone. The video tackles the point that it is difficult to achieve dreams if you ar black. the main message of the video is that everyone should fulfil their dream. There representations of men in the video, there are men doing criminal activities like graffiti and hanging around on the streets, the most interesting representation is the black male pushing the pram which is not something that is usually not associated with men. 

In both videos men are shown as violent and as criminals, in Dizzy's video there is a male policeman who is beating other men and there are men who shoplifting and doing graffiti. in Beyonce's video men are shown as brutal savages who are also presented as violent and monstrous. Also in Beyonce's video woman are indentified as in charge and superior and in Dizzy's a posh woman is the only person who isn't small or a puppet. However there is positive representations of men for example a man pushing a pram and doing the same jobs as woman, but there are no positives of men in Beyonce's video. 

Levi Strauss had a theory called Binary oppositions are a pair of related terms that are used, so in Beyonce's video there is clear binary opposition of woman and men, where the woman and men are showed at being at war and woman at being with great power. 

Ronald Barthes had theory called semiotics. Which are codes that are meant to be read and which symbolise certain things and meanings. In Dizzy's video the puppets signify the artist life and howl life is tough for young black males. In Beyonce's video they use animals to connote their points. The lion symbolises power and strength. Whereas the Hyenas symbolise balance between genders, which connotes with the main point of the video. 

David Gaunlett had a theory called identity theory which says that we can base our opinions from updated media, for example views watching Beyonce's video may come up with new opinions about males and females based upon the video. From dream we might start to come to the conclusion that white policeman beat up black criminals. 

Paul Gilroy had a theory called postcolonialsm theory which is the idea that our world today consists of racial hierarchies. There are majority of black people in the video which shows that the video are prioritising black people and showing them as superior and on top, there a white woman who is in a cage. In Dizzy Rascals video black people are shown as weak and defenceless against white people.  They are shown as puppets which implies that they ar being described as being under control of the white people. 

Tuesday 5 February 2019

I Daniel Blake

I Daniel Blake was directed by Ken Loach, who is a famous English director, who specialises in political and independent films. He is expresses his social options and the films often discuss serious issues like poverty, homelessness and lower class and working class rights.

Dave Johns plays Daniel Blake, who is a middle aged white man who is in poverty and struggling to live in the modern society.  Dave Johns is a comedian , so is therefore stepping outside his comfort zone acting in a drama film.  The actors are newcomers and non- professionals, they are first time actors and some just play the role they play in real life. The film is funded by the public, it domestically earned $200,576.72 and $4,275,018 in the UK. The film was sponsored and created by BBC.

I, Daniel Blake  was more successful than expected, it won a Palme' d' or which is a fence award which highlights it has had global success. it won the BAFTA for best film and the leading actor Dave Johns won best actor.  

Steve Mc all- Job centre manger- 'I, Daniel Blake is a representation. I hope people don't think the film is a documentary, because it's a story that doesn't represent the reality we work in.' this published on the daily mail online, this indicates that the daily mail agree with this statement as published it on their website and promoted it., the daily mail are a right wing newspaper, where as Ken Loach is left wing. The director Ken Loach fought back and said that everything in the film is based on real events. The New York times gave a good review on the film saying that the film is powerful.

The main themes of I, Daniel Blake is poverty, injustice for older people and the difficult process of benefit applications in Britain. The film is a political drama, which is Ken Loach's speciality. The film is set in Newcastle, All the actors are from their and it is all realistic. The film also reaches to a global audience, and is unusual as most global British films are filmed in central London, because everyone globally knows it, but Ken Loach wanted to make it as realistic as possible. There are different hierarchies of people presented, the job centre managers and the police are presented as higher and more respected than Dan and Katie. Dan is represented as nice, distressed and confused middle-aged white man. The main target audience are British people who may be going through similar events, they also want to make people understand that this real and based on proper events.

There is scene where the managers and staff in the Job centre refuse to help Dan and Katie, they are then thrown out, after creating a scene, which implies that they do not care about people in difficult situations.

On the I, Daniel Blake poster, we have the main character Daniel Blake in a pose that is recreated in the film. In the film there is a scene where Daniel protests outside the Job centre and Starts with the film title 'I, Daniel Blake. This scene is recreated in the poster, but there is writing in the background of all positive reviews, and has the film title in the graffiti style.